9420 - LeCroy Digital OscilloscopesThe LeCroy 9420 Dual Channel Digital Oscilloscope is a portablehigh-performance instrument for accurate waveform recording and analysis.The LeCroy 9420 provides a bandwidth of 350 MHz. and samplingrates o up to 100 rn gasamples/sec transients and 10 gigasamplesper sec for repetitive waveforms. The instrument featureshigh-fidelity 8-bit ADCs, 50K of non-volatile acquisition memory perchannel, 200K of additional waveform storage memory, extensivepulse parameter analysis, and a highly sophisticated trigger systemta capture the most complex signals, including spikes and glitches. Itis fully programmable over GPl8 or RS-232-C Interfaces. Hard cop-ies are made at the touch of a button on a wide range of digitalplotters and printers. Specifications Status Disc Bandwidth 350.0 MHz Channel 2 Sample Rate 100.00 MSa/sec Memory Depth 50kpts/ch Prestige Test Equipment Inc is an independent distributor and is not affiliated with Agilent Technologies. |