MS2663C - Anritsu Spectrum Analyzers

MS2663C - Anritsu Spectrum Analyzers

The MS2663C covers a frequency range of 9 kHz to 8.1 GHz. This allows measurement of spurious frequencies of up to three times greater than the frequency bands used worldwide for mobile communications. The MS2663C has superior basic performance such as high C/N ratio, low distortion, and high frequency/level accuracies and are easy to operate. The MS2663C has a "Measure" function for evaluation of radio equipment (frequency counter, C/N, adjacent channel power, occupied frequency bandwidth, burst average power, and template decision function), and enables the Two-screen display and FM demodulation waveform display. The large selection of options means that a wider range of applications can be handled at reasonable cost.

  • Frequency counter
  • C/N
  • Adjacent channel power
  • Occupied frequency bandwidth
  • Burst average power
  • Noise power
  • PASS/FAIL limit lines
Low end frequency limit
9.00 kHz

High end frequency limit
8.10 GHz

Resolution Bandwidth Min.
1 kHz

Resolution Bandwidth Max.
3.00 MHz

Amplitude Range
DANL to +30 dBm

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